Businesses across the country grow at a pace based upon several factors unique to them and their market. Growing companies need an adaptive infrastructure in systems, processes, and even their culture. The best business phone service utilized for growth companies tends to be Hosted Voice over IP based systems as they offer maximum scalability, flexibility, and adaptability.
Factors Influencing Business Growth Rates
Many different variables are in play for every business, thus providing them with a unique growth signature. This includes:
Placement of business on lifecycle curve. Are they in the entrepreneurial, growth, or mature lifecycle stage for their service or product?
- Capital Resources. Do they have a significant amount of capital to fuel a growth opportunity for the business? Varying levels of resources will lead to different growth rates.
- Environmental Conditions. Is the demand for the service or product strong? Is the competitive landscape good or bad for the company’s growth capabilities?
- Leadership Strength. The leadership risk tolerance and motivational aptitude levels impact the relative steepness of their growth curve.
The point here is that every business is unique and will grow at different rates. Systems and processes in place at the business must adapt to the rate at which the company grows. Business phone systems are just one of the examples of the systems that need to have such capabilities.
Why is Business VoIP Phone Service the Right Model for Growth Companies?
A cloud-based VoIP phone service and system provides companies of all sizes with the right amount of flexibility and functionality to adapt to their unique business condition and growth signature. This is much different than an on-site analog or even VoIP system.
- Scalable - Businesses can add or even subtract to the number of phones they have in place in increments of one! This provides the ultimate flexibility a growth company needs. Unlike on-site systems, they don’t need to guess their ultimate size and purchase a system to match. That could easily lead to over or under sizing the purchase, both a waste of capital.
- Cost Effective - No matter how large the capital resource war chest is, a cloud-based platform will be the most economical approach for businesses regardless of their unique growth signature. With the Hosted VoIP model, businesses only purchase the VoIP phones needed. The “system” is maintained by the Hosted VoIP provider. Each VoIP phone connects to the system over the internet and the cost of the phone service is dependent on the number of phones deployed. Thus, the Hosted model is always right-sized for the business. This compares favorably to on-site models which include costly system costs and service contracts and are sized to match a “plan” to where the company thinks they will grow.
Flexible in Deployment – Growing businesses also need to be concerned with their physical plant and recruitment of new employees to match their growth rate. Being restricted to the current physical plant is not a concern with Hosted VoIP. Such businesses can deploy resources anywhere, whether it be at home or an annex location, providing the ultimate in flexibility. If human resources are difficult to recruit in their current city, they can expand their recruitment and deploy the resources wherever they live! Businesses can then better gauge their eventual size and location requirements when the picture becomes clearer, and plan for a move or expansion of physical plant when the time is right.
- Adaptive in Design - Hosted VoIP includes all the advanced communication features found in enterprise-grade phone systems. Moreover, the features are programmable and can adapt to changing requirements.
Is it time to make the switch to a VoIP phone service provider who can deliver all the benefits a Hosted VoIP system to your growing business? Make every interaction with customers count with the help of sipVine's complete business communication solution! sipVine provides Hosted VoIP services to businesses across the United States, including Missouri, Kansas, Colorado and Texas. A better phone system for your business with advanced features to match your unique business needs! Enhance your company's business communications through better customer experiences at every touchpoint. Want to learn more? Our business phone service representatives are here to answer any questions you have!