
Finding a Reliable SIP Phone Service Provider

Posted by Mark Greim on Jan 18, 2024 9:15:00 AM

In today’s dynamic business environment, it is not uncommon for a business to be looking for reliable SIP phone service providers. Whether you’re looking for solid service uptime, better features, cost savings, or improved customer support, finding a reliable SIP phone service provider will help your business run smoother.

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Tags: voip service provider selection, Business Phone Service

Why Customer Support Matters from Your Business Phone Provider

Posted by Mark Greim on Sep 7, 2023 9:45:00 AM

Face it. The telecom or VoIP industries have not been known for great customer support. With more and more businesses shifting to VoIP phone service, it is more important than ever to find a VoIP service provider who has resisted the urge to pattern their customer service after legacy telco providers and national VoIP providers.

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Tags: voip service provider selection, VoIP Phone Service, VoIP business phone services

Is Your VoIP Phone System Lasting as Long as it Could?

Posted by Mark Greim on Aug 15, 2023 9:15:00 AM

This is a trick question, right? For a while now, companies have been capitalizing on the advantages of a phone system that operates in the cloud. This is because there is a lower risk of becoming outdated when businesses only invest in VoIP phones instead of an in-house phone system. But businesses can still take actions to keep their VoIP phone systems up to date and get long-term benefits.

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Tags: voip service provider selection, Technology in Business, Cloud Telephony

5 Things to Consider When Selecting a VoIP Service Provider

Posted by Mark Greim on Oct 3, 2022 1:00:00 PM

Congratulations, you have taken the first step to enhance your communication platform and upgrade your capabilities by considering a move to a VoIP Service Provider.  Before you make the switch, here are five considerations for you to include in your evaluation of potential providers:

  1. Does the VoIP service provider configure the system to how you do business? There are many VoIP service providers who "bundle and drop ship".  These are usually priced very low, but you will have a very basic configuration.  If you have a growing business or are already a business of size and complexity, gain a comfort level with the provider's ability to listen and understand how you do business and see if they will effectively guide you through their alternatives available.  Large national providers expect you to understand how to navigate their provisioning portal and handle all of the programming yourself.  Finding a  VoIP phone service provider that programs the features and delivers a customized solution specific to how you do business would benefit you greatly.
  2. Does the VoIP service provider offer a number of solutions to meet your needs? This has evolved over the years.  If you have an 0n-premises VoIP system, determine if the VoIP provider can deliver sip trunks to the platform.  However, most businesses have already moved to a VoIP for Business hosted service platform, providing your business with the flexibility required to compete in today's markets.  The solutions to look for surround the variety of VoIP phone options that best meet the needs of your employees.  VoIP desk phones are ideal for in-office use, although many have moved to desktop soft phones.  Remote or highly mobile employees tend to use either the desktop soft phone or a soft phone app that resides on their smart phone.
  3. How agreeable is the VoIP phone service provider to assist in network troubleshooting to resolve call quality issues?   This is where the rubber hits the road for most VoIP phone service providers.  With plug and play phones, having technical support willing to troubleshoot network issues is rare.  Problems can occur on the local network or with the internet connection provided by another carrier.  Avoid selecting VoIP service providers with the attitude that this is "not my problem".  Granted, phone calls are a symptom of the problem, but it should be seen in everyone's best interest that these problems are diagnosed and resolved.  Technical support can provide guidance on router settings that may be causing a conflict, help evaluate if there are problems with bandwidth utilization on the local area network, and run tests to see if the internet circuit is not performing at a level to deliver uninterrupted VoIP traffic.  Additionally, does the provider offer a device to help prioritize voice traffic over data?  This was a huge issue back in the day when internet carriers were not delivering large and affordable internet circuits.  But, with the amount of business applications in the cloud, contention for bandwidth can still be an issue.  So, ask your potential VoIP service provider how they approach these situations.  You will be able to tell very quickly if it is something they do not even consider supporting or assisting you with!
  4. Is customer support do-it-yourself?  Large national providers tend to provide off-shore call center support.  This support tends to provide guidance to the customer on how to navigate their self-service portal and certainly does not make changes on behalf of the customer.  Granted, some changes are easy to make.  Others, like mentioned in the first consideration above, take a greater understanding of the programming required to meet the need.  Examples would be main line call flow, call queue set up, auto attendant changes, time of day routing differences, etc.  Most businesses have their own activity to manage and have little time to figure out how to work a third-party portal.  Look for a VoIP service provider who will listen to what you are looking to accomplish and make the changes for you.  
  5. What do their customers say about their VoIP service provider?  Take steps to talk to their customers.  Are they satisfied and why? Do they deliver what they promise in the sales cycle?  Like with many vendor evaluations, reference checking is a very important tool.  Ask for references and, after they deliver their standard set, ask for a reference in your area and one in your industry.  See how quickly and willing they are to deliver additional references that may not be on their normal list of references.

Consider adding sipVine's complete business communication solution to your evaluation list! A better phone system for your small business with advanced features to match your unique business needs! Make your company's business communications better by engaging better customer experiences at every touchpoint. Want to learn more? Our small business phone service representatives are here to answer any questions you have!



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Tags: voip service provider selection

Hosted VoIP Providers Should Provide More Personal Service

Posted by Mark Greim on Aug 30, 2022 9:54:12 AM

Hosted VoIP providers who refer their customers to impersonal online resources or a self-servicing portal are missing a golden opportunity to deliver outstanding customer service. Business owners do not have time to navigate a website or web portal, devise a plan for the phone system programming, learn how to execute the programming, and train their own staff. They have a business to run and operating a solid communication system is a key to being a successful business.

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Tags: voip service provider selection, Hosted VoIP phone service

Experience the sipVine Approach to VoIP Phone Service

Posted by Mark Greim on Apr 19, 2022 10:43:07 AM

Telecom companies and Hosted VoIP phone service providers do not enjoy a positive reputation when it comes to delivering a positive customer experience. From our beginnings in 2005, sipVine’s mission was to set a new bar for customer service experience. Achieving such a lofty goal takes a fresh approach from many different aspects and customer touch points.

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Tags: voip service provider selection, Changing Phone Service Providers

Make a No-Regret Decision Regarding Your Business Phone Service

Posted by Mark Greim on Aug 10, 2021 9:19:40 AM

Every day, you face decisions regarding your business, some easy, some difficult. The successful business makes more decisions that prove to be favorable than they make decisions that they regret. When moving your business communications to a VoIP phone service, you simply cannot afford to regret the service provider selection. Customer communications and internal processes need to be enhanced, not impaired by your decision.

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Tags: voip service provider selection, Business Phone Service

Where the National Business VoIP Providers Fall Short

Posted by Mark Greim on Jan 27, 2021 9:30:00 AM

Most businesses have made the switch to Hosted VoIP phone services, taking advantage of powerful features to improve their communication strategies both internally and externally. They also received the added benefit of finding an alternative to their traditional telephone provider who reciprocated their years of service with rate increases, outsourced customer service, and old technology. In making the switch, many have gravitated to the “national” providers whose marketing budgets cast a wide net over potential customers. In doing so, these businesses have found similarities to their previous relationships with their telecommunication provider and have been left underwhelmed and underserved in the process.

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Tags: voip service provider selection, Business VoIP

Unsure Which Direction to Go? Find the Best Phone System for Your Small Business.

Posted by Mark Greim on Feb 12, 2019 9:36:00 AM

You know it is time for a new phone system, but you're overwhelmed with how to start your search.  This will help you determine what type of phone service provider is best for your small business.  Many small businesses have determined that their existing phone system is outdated and past the point for repair and they are looking where to turn to maximize their new investment.  Their current phone system is failing or falling behind the features and functionality their peer businesses or competitors are now enjoying since moving to a Hosted VoIP phone service.  Even though it is clear through high adoption rates that most companies have selected Hosted VoIP as the best phone system for small business, it is more of a challenge to find the service provider that will work best for you.

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Tags: voip service provider selection, small business phone service

The Case for Full Service Hosted VoIP vs. DIY

Posted by Mark Greim on Jul 27, 2018 1:02:15 PM

Most small businesses have already made the shift to a Hosted VoIP phone service. Many have been unable to take full advantage of the features and flexibility of these systems due to the inability to navigate the do-it-yourself programming portal pushed by the nationally branded VoIP providers.  This has led to frustration with the technology. The good news is that there are Hosted VoIP providers that can take care of the complexities of the programming and help conform the phone system to the needs of the business.

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Tags: voip service provider selection, Customer Service

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